Grit and Grazia: A Story of Venice, Voga, and a Few Unwavering Women

A documentary project of Living Venice e VIVA

Gondola Gals: all-woman regata, Sunday, May 10

The Regata delle Palme is an annual event normally held the week before Easter. However, for the first time the field will be comprised of nine gondole, each with an all-female crew. The indominable Gloria Rogliani, una grande campionessa, came up with the idea to combine two campionesse (in bold below) with two esordienti (debutantes, […]

The Oblivious Barcaruòl

Chance encounters are commonplace in Venice. People live, work, and commute cheek-by-jowl, the city’s close quarters ensuring constant social contact and a decided lack of privacy. This summer, while investigating why a certain composer was imprisoned in a monastery on the Giudecca in 1591 (long story), I happened across a fascinating document. It is a […]


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