Gondola Gals: all-woman regata, Sunday, May 10
Posted on | May 7, 2009 | No Comments
The Regata delle Palme is an annual event normally held the week before Easter. However, for the first time the field will be comprised of nine gondole, each with an all-female crew. The indominable Gloria Rogliani, una grande campionessa, came up with the idea to combine two campionesse (in bold below) with two esordienti (debutantes, for lack of a better translation), or those with less experience — although even their expertise levels vary widely.
There’s a pre-race ceremony that will take place, at the Ponte di Tre Archi on the Cannaregio Canal. The boats will then head for the starting line at the Madonna dell’Orto (or where the wind direction dictates), for an 11:30-ish start. After the race, the colorful gondole will parade down the Cannaregio Canal.
- 10:45-ish Ceremony and benediction, Ponte dei Tre Archi
- 11:30-ish Race start
- Following: parade down the Cannaregio Canal.
A regata is normally comprised of up to nine boats; each boat number always corresponds to the same color. We’ll be wearing matching t-shirts:
Francesca Calzavara, Elena Costantini, Gabriella Lazzari, Roberta Fassina
Rossana Scarpa, Romina Catanzaro, Adele Scalabrin, Amelia Coco
Maika Busato, Erika Zane, Laura Riganti, Nicoletta Tussetto
Gloria Rogliani, Debora Scarpa, Leida Tiozzo, Chiara Scarpa
Luisella Schiavon, Giorgia Ragazzi, Sandra Tognatti, Antonella Fassina
Maela Zancan, Elisabetta Nordio, Sibylle Lohausen, Monica Vio
Silvia Scaramuzza, Francesca Brotto, Nancy McElroy, Betty Martini
Luigina Davanzo, Wally Zanella, Serena Testolin, Chiara Curto
9 – MARòN
Elena Tosi, Valentina Tosi, Elena Almansi, Michela Melloni
Just prior to the race, the captains draw lots for the actual boat positions.
All we need is wonderful weather, the rest will take care of itself. Wish us luck, and remember, we adore fervent applauso!
Many thanks to the Remiera Casteo for the use of their boat graphics!
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